
Mucus contains high concentrations of antibody and have protective functions of the body parts, but its appearance suggests some diseases.

The nose is the gateway to the respirator and its function is to heat, filter and humidify the air passing through it to the throat and lungs, but to allow this to happen, the membranes must be in good condition.

Nasal mucosa is moist tissue that produces thick, sticky liquid called mucus. This mucus helps to maintain the mucosa from the different environmental aggressions.

According to the otolaryngologist, humans produce one to one and a half liter of mucus a day. Nasal mucosa is the glands were found in the nose and throat that produce mucus to lubricates and cleans the membranes of the nose.

Mucus contains high concentrations of antibodies and immunoglobulins that protect the body from the germs, thanks to its slimy texture that is capable of immobilize to prevent large particles entering the respiratory tree.


Laryngitis is an infectious disease is common, usually mild, the disease affects the larynx (voice box), trachea and airways leading to the lungs (bronchi). This is caused by different viruses, including those that produce the common flu virus.

Laryngitis affects children, usually under 4 years old, and is transmitted through respiratory secretions through coughing or sneezing. This disease begins 2 or 3 days later than the time of infection.

The most typical symptom is a dry cough, which sounded like dogs barking and usually worse at night. Usually accompanied by hoarseness, sore throat and sometimes fever. Sometimes causes nausea and vomiting. People with this disease also often make harsh sound, sometimes as a beep sound (stridor) in every breath.

The worst phase of the disease lasts for 2 or 3 days, although cough and mucus moves more subtle and may take one or two weeks.

Vitamin C

Although the human body can not produce vitamin C, it is naturally contained in many foods. That's important because the consumption of Vitamin C is associated with many health benefits.

Vitamin C is important because it is necessary for tissue repair and growth. This means it helps heal wounds, repair and maintain cartilage, bone and even teeth.

In addition, vitamin C is needed to form collagen, a protein that the body uses for growth. These features are very valuable.

Vitamin C also plays an important role in maintaining cell and antioxidants, which help block the production of free radicals. According to some studies, free radicals can cause significant damage to the body, among which include damage to genetic material (DNA), enzymes and other proteins and fats in cell membranes. This damage contributes to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Nasal congestion

This is obstruction in the hole of nose that occur if the mucosa (the membrane that lines the inside of the nose) become inflamed in response to viruses and bacteria that cause colds or flu, or if you suffer from allergies or rhinitis. As a result, breathing becomes difficult and there is excessive production of mucus, transparent and liquid.


* Cover up when the weather is cold, because although it is not the cause of respiratory tract infection, it causes the body to become weak and prone to suffer from them.
* Wash your hands well. It also recommended to protects the nose and mouth when people cough or sneeze.
* Do not smoke, because cigarette smoke irritates the airways. And maybe this is the hardest thing to do.
* A diet that includes vitamin C is essential to prevent respiratory diseases. Vitamin C is naturally found in oranges, guava, lemon brussels sprouts, cauliflower, strawberries, kiwi, melon and green peppers, so it must be consumed in larger quantities. Another option is to complete this requirement of vitamin supplements and food supplements.
* Avoid contact with the elements that produce allergies, such as animal dander, pollen and dust.

Chronic myeloid leukemia

In this study we evaluated the diagnosis and treatment of Chronic myeloid leukemia, based on the assumption that the disease occurs in a minority of cases are caused by the environmental reasons such as extreme ionizing radiation, chemicals such as benzene, and even the presence of several oncogenic viruses, which have been found in animals but not yet proven to humans.

And in most cases is the alteration is obtained by a translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 which form the Philadelphia chromosome. Also in the third case is an additional chromosome abnormalities.

It should be noted that Chronic myeloid leukemia is a clonal myeloproliferative process of pluripotent stem cells found in bone marrow. Chronic myeloid leukemia occurs in all races with a little dominance in men, and the average age of Chronic myeloid leukemia patients was 49 years old.

You could say that the greatest number of cases occurred in patients aged between 40 and 60. It should not be excluded that the Chronic myeloid leukemia can occur at any age but is rare in children.


Diarrhea is an increase in frequency of bowel movements (more than three per day) was accompanied by a decrease in consistency. Sometimes the diarrhea may contain blood, mucus, pus and undigested food.

There are many causes of diarrhea, although most are caused by infections acquired through food poisoning. In children the most common cause of diarrhea is virus. They also result in intestinal diarrheal diseases (such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease) and pancreatic insufficiency.

Anxiety and stressful situations can cause diarrhea in some people. Certain medications (especially antibiotics) cause diarrhea as a side effect. Although the fundamental fact is the increased number of bowel movements and decreasing consistency, not infrequently associated with other symptoms such as fever, food intolerance with nausea and vomiting and stomach aches.

In most cases of infectious diarrhea, if the patient's condition is not serious, it requires examination to confirm the diagnosis. History of poor food consumption or the involvement of several person who had participated in one meal is commonly used to do to help the diagnosis. When the most likely cause is not contagious, it is required further examination of the colon and pancreas to determine the origin of diarrhea.


Hypotension. Hypotension, just like hypertension, it can be permanent or paroxysmal. This is a problem that manifests itself by low blood pressure, ie when under 90/60 on a continuous or permanent.

When the blood leaves the heart is driven by some force to circulate through the body. Pressure must be high enough to circulate to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and extract waste from it.

When the pressure is too high is known as hypertension, and it's a serious problem, if it is not controlled can have deadly consequences. But when the pressure is low or weak, this problem is called hypotension and can also be serious, because the whole body can not get oxygen and nutrients needed by every cell.

Although hypotension is not normal, there are always people who live with a low pressure (up to certain limits), without affecting their activity or their quality of life.