In addition it was found that Amaranth also has anticancer properties and thus may help to stabilize blood sugar and blood fats, it is highly recommended for diabetics and people with cholesterol problems.
Amaranth contains an infinite source of vegetable protein so that its use is recommended in high-protein diet. Another advantages of amaranth is it contains calcium which helps prevent osteoporosis, especially in pregnant women and postmenopausal diseases.
Because of its nutritional content, it is recommended to include amaranth in the diet of children, adolescents, adults and the elderly, to maintain a healthy body. It also contains fiber which exceeds even that in other common cereals, it is highly recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypertension, constipation and diverticulosis.
For people with heart diseases there are several solutions from amaranth. In chronic renal failure, it may be useful to consume amaranth to increase the supply of essential amino acids contained in this plant. If you have heart failure it is also recommended to consume Amaranth as high levels of essential amino acids vegetable.
Seeds of amaranth which dark colored contain tannins, and contains phytates that are lower than corn. It contains coenzyme (HMG-CoA) with the biological activity of cholesterol-lowering effects in humans.
Amaranth grain contains no gluten at all, making it a recommended food for coeliacs, ie, those with intolerance to gluten. We also recommend its use for people with autism.
Cereals (porridge) from the amaranth is recommended for patients with bucodentomaxilares, geriatric, malnourished cancer patients.
High fiber diet, amaranth has a beneficial effect on chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus and obesity, helping to reduce triglycerides serum and cholesterol in dyslipidemia and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, amaranth leaves are used as a medicine against diarrhea.