
Progeria is a disease that is not yet accurately known cause, in general, it's a disease that increases the speed of aging of children, making them look older.

The rate of aging patients with progeria usually between 5 and 10 times that of normal people and are often associated with very short life expectancy (about 14). Has anyone seen the Disney movie "Jack", more or less know where the shots go, because in a movie starring Robin Williams, we could see a child in the adult body. Unfortunately, the real progeria is not as happy as the Disney version, because the disease is much more cruel.

Progeria is believed to be caused by lamin A gene mutations, which cause cellular instability of the whole body and finally acceleration in cell death and is manifested in the first 2 years of life. The birth rate that affected by the disease is 1/8.000.000 and there is evidence that affects white people more with 97% affected.

Some consequences of this disease are as follows:
* Short stature
* Wrinkles
* Premature Baldness
* Prominent eyes
* Large Skull
* Big Nose and peak shape
* Heart problems
* A thin body frame

Currently there are 48 cases diagnosed worldwide, and that particular attention is the family of India, which had 5 children with this disease. Live well and have a chance to live above the average patient. And who also drew the attention is on the case in Belgium where their two children suffer from this disease, so it is possible (although not confirmed) that it is a congenital disease.

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