Mustard that usually we consume are from Belgium and grown in the dark because if it is exposed too much sunlight, it becomes dark green in color and a strong sense of bitterness. The best time to consume it is winter, when it had the best organoleptic quality.
It gives about 20 kcal, 95% have water, a minimum amount of protein and carbohydrates and almost no fat. It is very diuretic because its contents of fiber potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. In addition to vitamin C (antioxidant par excellence), provitamin A (beneficial to the skin and vision), vitamin E (which supports fertility) and folic acid, endive contain substances that are beneficial: inulin. It is a prebiotic fiber, which facilitates the development of intestinal flora, preventing colon cancer and constipation. Improve digestion of fats by the substance that gives a bitter taste (inhibin and lactulopicrina), supporting the emptying of bile. It is low in sodium, which supports the diuretic properties and a suitable nutritious vegetable for hypertension and kidney stones patients.
It contains iodine, a mineral essential to the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland that produce thyroid hormone, participating in various metabolic functions in the form of maintenance of body temperature and metabolism. Also, iodine is essential for fetal growth and brain development.